What Makes Us Different

We’re DIFFERENT FROM your traditional Private Equity Firm

Our experience spans the full spectrum of the deal-making process, from Venture Capital and Private Equity to Fortune 500 M&A activities. This experience equips us with a deep understanding of the inner workings of these groups. More importantly, it’s why we know these groups may not always represent the best option for small businesses. Below, we outline the distinctive approach of Main Street Legacy Partners compared to other alternatives available to small businesses:

  • Private equity is fundamentally focused on profitability, frequently prioritizing cost optimization—or, more bluntly, cost-cutting—as a primary strategy. Upon acquiring a business, these firms set a clear endpoint, steering you and your team towards accelerated growth and reduced expenditures. In this model, your company might just be one among many in their portfolio, subject to a stringent 3-5 year plan aimed at enhancing the business for a subsequent sale.

    While this approach can be effective under certain circumstances, it often does not align well with the needs and nuances of smaller companies. This misalignment is a primary reason why traditional private equity firms usually steer clear of operating in the small business sector.

  • Strategic buyers, often your direct competitors, tend to operate at a slower pace due to the extensive internal reviews and approvals required before finalizing a deal. Entrusting your company's sensitive data to a rival can also pose significant challenges, adding a layer of complexity to negotiations.

    Post-acquisition, the approach adopted by strategic buyers can mirror that of private equity firms, focusing on rapid integration and optimization. This transition may lead to significant changes within the team and could potentially dilute the unique identity that defines your company.

  • You may have been contacted by a "Search Fund" which is essentially an individual who has backing to search for and acquire an individual business. These individuals are usually former employees of big companies and are looking to escape the corporate hierarchy and run their own business.

    The issue is that they likely have little to no experience running a small business and have a limited amount of capital to draw from. Some may even be self-funding the deal and will be looking for loans and debt in order to finance the deal.

    These buyers are unpredictable, have a challenging path to closing a deal, and more often than not, are tire kickers.

  • Main Street Legacy Partners was established with a singular mission: to acquire and nurture outstanding small businesses. Our foundation is built upon leveraging the extensive experience we've gained in private equity, venture capital, and corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A), aiming to offer a superior capital solution for small enterprises.

    We are supported by committed capital from a cohort of seasoned investors and operator. Our strategy is long-term, affording us the opportunity to invest in people and cultivate business growth comprehensively. Our goal is to collaborate closely with you to develop a succession plan that aligns with your aspirations and ensures the continuity of your business's legacy.

    If you’re contemplating the future of your business but are not yet ready to step away, we see this as an ideal opportunity. Let's explore partnership avenues to enhance your business, be it through acquisitions, team expansion, or other growth strategies. We are here to assist you in navigating these challenges, ensuring a seamless transition or expansion that respects the legacy of your business.